Money Matters: Get Financially Savvy in 2020
The dawn of every new year brings with it a load of resolutions and promises to get you organized for the 52 weeks ahead. Plus working off those extra slices of apple pie you chowed down at your family lunch. Then before you know it, you’re back to your bad habits and blocking out time in your calendar to binge watch Stranger Things with a packet of Sour Patch.
Join GA for an evening with a simple goal – Get yourself sorted in 2020. We’ve invited a panel of experts to help you get yourself together with tips and tricks for:
budgeting like a boss
investing with intent
planning for the year ahead
Hear from experts who actually know what they’re talking about, up your financial literacy a notch or two and get yourself together, financially speaking.
Liz Windisch, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, Aspen Wealth Management
Chris Hambor, Managing Partner, Singular CPA Services
Jenn Uhen, Founger/Community Organizer, The Pledgettes