Savvy Women Money Quiz
How Savvy Are You With Your Money?
You don’t need to understand market trends, how to buy a stock, and all the other technical investment terms advisors love to spout. But as a woman you must become Savvy with your money, understanding what you have, why you have it and how it will support you.
Let’s see how Savvy you really are with your money.
With each question below give yourself a score from 1= I’m clueless to 5= I am on it. Total your score at the bottom to determine your Savviness.
I understand my investment statements and review them periodically (on paper or online).
I am always learning from my financial advisor and feel extremely comfortable asking questions (even the stupid questions).
I have a financial plan for my money and investments that I understand, review annually and is very meaningful to me (They are not just numbers).
I know the purpose for my investments; which ones are designed to protect my money, grow my money and those that provide income.
I know what my lifestyle costs and am actively conscious of living within my means
If you scored:
20 – 25 points you are a Savvy Woman!
15 – 19 you are on your way to becoming a Savvy Woman.
14 or below you need a new advisor providing a new experience that makes your path to financial independence more meaningful, enjoyable, and empowering.