Women and Financial Power

Women and Financial Power

In my opinion, too many women still lack the confidence necessary to take control of their financial lives. They often fear making investment decisions, managing their finances, and planning and monitoring their spending – all which can help them increase their wealth.

Why aren’t women more confident with their finances?

The answers are as individual as each woman. However, one of the most common that I see as a financial planner is that women are stopping themselves from being assertive. Many women leave their financial lives to their husbands, boyfriends or parents, or ignore it all together, Because of this way of thinking, they lack financial power. Financial empowerment must come from within. Women must seize it with fervor, reflecting an unshakable determination to take control of their financial lives. You must tell yourself that you can become empowered, and that you will not let outdated notions of gender hinder your success. Keep “EMPOWER” in your mind as an acronym representing these concepts:

Education is critical
Motivation inspired by your values
Protection against risk
Ownership of your future
We — Find a partner to help you
Emotions should be kept out of decisions
Responsibility to yourself

If you are looking for a financial planner who will help you understand your motivations and find your financial confidence, please reach out for complimentary phone call. I’d love to help you!

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

Liz Windish, CFP

"I guide women towards mastering their finances. Everyone's dreams are different; I help my clients pursue theirs through education and direction."


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