From My Blog

wedding rings

You’ve hit the age when you assume that you’ll be...

notepad with HSA written on it and a piggy bank and a stethoscope

When you think about saving for retirement, your mind probably...

the initials ESG next to a green calculator

Without getting TOO political (although you can probably tell where...

one playing piece singled out from a crowd

If you’ve read Susan Cain’s book Quiet and resonated with...

boxes organizing donations

As you prepare your home for the holidays, you might...

friends exchanging christmas gifts

Do you remember the Friends episode when the group became...

pad of paper with inheritance tax written on it

As a financial advisor who has worked with Colorado residents...

woman talking to parents about finances

With the holidays right around the corner, you might be...

middle aged woman working on computer

You’ve probably run across articles about phased retirement, a fairly...

computer and pad of paper with retirement plan written on it

Since 2020, the U.S. has seen a record number of...

US Capital and a background of money

We’ve talked about the benefits of women in politics. Now...

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