From My Blog

When Filing for a Tax Extension Makes Sense

The annual meeting is rescheduled to sometime later this quarter...

Do Spouses Need the Same Amount of Life Insurance?

Pat and Kelly, new parents, made a couple monthly budget...

You've Changed Jobs, Now What the Heck do You Do with Your 401(k)?

If you’ve just started a new job, chances are your...

Five Ways to Save on healthcare costs blog post

It’s certainly no secret that healthcare costs have escalated in...

What to Look for in a Disability Insurance Policy

Unquestionably, disability insurance is more complicated than other forms of...

How Political Climates Affect the Financial Market

If you’re a fan of political dramas on televisions, you’ll...

For years it was assumed that tax planning was reserved...

Pay Yourself First - The Holy Grail of Personal Finance

Remember way back to your first paycheck. The moment you...

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Navigating finances in your 40s and 50s doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In this eBook, learn to choose the right financial advisor, make smart insurance decisions, give wisely to charities, and more!

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