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Nest Egg “Numbers”

Does anyone else remember those commercials about your retirement “number," where people were pushing around an egg with a number on it? Or maybe you’ve seen a recent article about which multiple of your salary you should have saved by each decade of your life?

While rules of thumb can be very helpful, I think they are most useful for those who are still decades away from retirement.

For those of us who are closer to retirement than not (I’m looking at you, Gen Xers) a more specific understanding of your situation is necessary. One thing I’ve learned running retirement plans for people whose financial position runs the gamut from “broke” to “flush” is that there is no specific amount of money that everyone should plan to reach by the time they retire. Obviously, everyone’s situation is different.

What does your ideal retirement look like?

You need to figure out what you would like your life to look like in retirement and work backward from there. A woman with a pension whose house is paid off will need a smaller pool of investments from which to draw in retirement.

If you have big travel dreams, and children who will still need your assistance (and let’s be honest, maybe parents) you will need to have more saved. I can’t promise you that you’ll achieve your ideal retirement, but you definitely won’t be able to prepare at all if you don’t figure out what it is.

I’m not talking about specific numbers here, but I’m referring to figuring out what kind of life you would like to lead. Advertisements geared toward retirees (or those who would like to retire) mostly show ridiculously fit, white-haired people sailing, cruising, or otherwise frolicking in the sun. This may be exactly what you have planned, or you might prefer to stick closer to home.

The point is that your dreams have a different price tag than your neighbor’s. Figure out what it is that YOU want, and then work on some advanced planning with an advisor to determine what price tag that will have.

But how will you know how much to save and when you can retire?

Of course you need to plan; I’m not advocating “winging it." At the most basic, you need to figure out how much money you plan to spend each year, how much recurring income you’ll have (social security, pension, rental income, part-time work, etc.) and calculate the difference. Then figure out how much of a nest egg you will need to generate income equal to the difference.

Working with an advisor on developing a retirement plan is strongly advised, as the above doesn’t factor in inflation, fluctuating health care costs, and the fact that spending in retirement isn’t usually a straight line. The bottom line is that there is no one number, no rule of thumb that fits everyone. You don’t need to know a “number”, you need a plan.

Have you made up your mind on just about everything, even before you know what it is? For instance, when you meet someone, is your opinion of the person formed from the first impression? Or, when you hear a political argument from the other side, is your mind opened or closed? Are you able to concede the “good points” the other side makes, or do you dismiss the whole argument?

We encounter people and ideas every day, and, while most of us would like to think we are open-minded, human nature, being what it is, makes it extremely difficult to discard our preconceived opinions. So, we almost instinctively filter out the information that doesn’t support our preconceived notion or opinion, at least initially. Behavioral psychologists refer to this kind of selective thought process as “confirmation bias.

What does this have to do with investing?

Well, when you consider that our investment choices are usually guided by a thought process, it can mean everything.

If that thought process is clouded by confirmation bias, you may be making important, sometimes life-changing, investment decisions with one-sided information, and that can dramatically skew the big picture you need to make a fully informed decision. Some of the more costly mistakes investors make can be attributed to confirmation bias which often leads to poor decisions based on incomplete information.

Take, for example, the investor who hears his colleagues bragging about the latest hot stock they all bought which has already doubled in price. No one wants to be left out of the next big thing, but at least this investor has the sense to do some research on his own. As he pours through the reports and surfs the internet for validation of their claims, half of his mind is racing with thoughts of the new car he will buy, as well as the possibility that he will be thought of as a “chump” for not getting in on the deal. Granted, he is allowing greed and fear to creep into the process; however, in doing so, it begins to filter out any information that might raise red flags and, instead, focuses on the information that validates the investment. Now, imagine that this investor made that investment at the height of the Dot Com Bubble.

Confirmation bias works subtly, some would say insidiously, inside the minds of investors as they seek nothing more than to make the best possible decisions with their money. Even for those who spend as much time analyzing the cons as they do the pros of a given investment, confirmation bias tricks the mind into giving more weight or credence to the pros, if there is already a preconception in favor of it. Or, more overtly, it simply allows us to dismiss or discount information that doesn’t conform to our beliefs. That’s a very dangerous mindset when your money is at stake.

Overcoming Confirmation Bias

Overcoming confirmation bias is not as easy as you might think. It’s one thing to be aware of it and even make a point of dealing with it. However, it’s that same bias that often prevents us from taking the necessary steps to avoid it.

If you are the president of the United States, let’s say, and your policies seem to always go in the wrong direction as far as the public is concerned, you may convince yourself that you are right and the public is wrong if all you do is surround yourself with people who agree with you. Having the strength and security to include people who have differing viewpoints in your life can cure you of confirmation bias; if you are willing to examine their viewpoints with an open mind.

Overcoming confirmation bias doesn’t mean abandoning your beliefs or even your preconceived opinions; rather it means recognizing how your bias could lead to making bad decisions in any aspect of life.

Being aware of it and recognizing that it could, in fact, cloud your judgment is the first step. Then, in gathering and analyzing information, focus on that which doesn’t conform to your opinion or belief and try to understand why. This might involve inviting those who don’t share your opinion to give you their view without you arguing yours. Just listen and evaluate. The same can be done by reading blogs and articles by people with different views. The most important thing is to work through the thought process more rationally without fighting opposing viewpoints. 

*This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information provided is not written or intended as tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for purposes of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Individuals are encouraged to seek advice from their own tax or legal counsel. Individuals involved in the estate planning process should work with an estate planning team, including their own personal legal or tax counsel. Neither the information presented nor any opinion expressed constitutes a representation by us of a specific investment or the purchase or sale of any securities. Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or protect against loss in declining markets. This material was developed and produced by Advisor Websites to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. Copyright 2014-2015 Advisor Websites.

Remember way back to your first paycheck. The moment you open the envelope anticipating the windfall when all your hard work pays off. Then, like a swift kick to your gut, realty hits. Your takeaway earnings are almost always way lower than what you expected.

Once the shock and horror of taxes goes away, money management comes into play. Most of the time these days, paychecks are spent before the money hits your account. If only at the moment of your first paycheck you had implemented the ‘holy grail’ of personal finance, pay yourself first. According to a recent article from Forbes, “only 23% of Americans have enough emergency savings to cover six months of expenses (the amount many advisers recommend for financial security should something unforeseen happen)—and 26% have no emergency savings at all.1

Building the habit of paying yourself when you pay your bills could be the difference between uncertainty and financial stability. So what exactly does pay yourself first mean? Investopedia says, “‘Pay yourself first’ is a phrase popular in personal finance and retirement planning literature that means automatically routing your specified savings contribution from each paycheck at the time it is received. Because the savings contributions are automatically routed from each paycheck to your investment account, this process is considered to be paying yourself first; in other words, paying yourself before you begin paying your monthly living expenses and making discretionary purchases.2

It’s never too late to establish these habits. Use the services available to you from your financial institution instead of waiting for saving to feel like second nature. Consider putting as much as you can on autopilot as you possibly can automate your paycheck to pay yourself first. Forbes suggests, “direct-depositing contributions to a retirement account before that money hits your checking account. And if your employer allows for multiple automated transfers, you can also have a set amount transferred into emergency savings or another account earmarked for a specific savings goal.3





*This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. The information provided is not written or intended as tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for purposes of avoiding any federal tax penalties. Individuals are encouraged to seek advice from their own tax or legal counsel. Individuals involved in the estate planning process should work with an estate planning team, including their own personal legal or tax counsel. Neither the information presented nor any opinion expressed constitutes a representation by us of a specific investment or the purchase or sale of any securities. Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or protect against loss in declining markets. This material was developed and produced by Advisor Websites to provide information on a topic that may be of interest. Copyright 2014-2018 Advisor Websites.

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