From My Blog

US Capital and a background of money

We’ve talked about the benefits of women in politics. Now...

woman on ipad

I don’t know about you, but about mid-August, I start...

houses with an arrow pointing up

I live in the beautiful state of Colorado. We have...

heart, clock and a sign that says long term care

We’ve touched on long-term care options in the past, but...

single woman traveling

If you look around at your family and friends, you...

woman walking on beach

There is constant buzz out in the world about legacy...

confident woman

When it comes to women and finances, you’ll come across...

woman with question marks surrounding her

Understanding investment account fees, particularly in vehicles like 401(k)s, can...

In 2023, #girlmath gained momentum on social media, poking fun...

woman holding money

When you think about the term “financial independence” what comes...

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